What Do I Want To Do With My Life

If you’re reading this, you may be asking yourself what do I want to do with my life, and how I can change my life for the better. Keep in mind, life is a journey that we all experience in different ways, but the one thing that we all have in common is that we all want to be happy, free and feel accomplished. 

Your goals and dreams are very personal 

One person’s lifestyle could be someone else’s dream life. By the same token some people take for granted what others would work hard to obtain.

It’s hard to decide what it is that you want out of life, but there are several questions you can ask yourself to help reveal the path that you want to walk. The following are some of the most relevant questions that can help you find out what it is you want to do with your life.

What am I most passionate about?

You might be passionate about a sport, or maybe you’re passionate about writing, traveling or parakeets for that matter. There’s lots of things that you can feel passionate about, but sometimes it’s hard to separate what makes you feel passionate from what makes you feel happy or entertained.

A good way to tell the difference is, when you are eating Cheetos and binge watching Netflix, you are temporarily happy and entertained. However, when you feel passionate about something, it never feels like a chore. You are constantly looking for ways to spend more time doing what you’re passionate about. This is a good way to identify what it is you truly love.

What are my greatest accomplishments in life?

Sometimes it helps a lot to look back at your greatest accomplishments in life. Even if you feel that you haven’t really done anything big, there is always something you have done that has made a difference, even if it has just been a way of thinking, or a shift in your mindset.

By doing this, you remind yourself that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to, as long as you have a goal. Your future depends on your ability to set your sight to new roads and new paths in life. In order to change your life you must believe in your ability to accomplish new goals. Never forget…

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”

John F Kennedy

With no limits, what would I want and what would I do?

Some people decide what they want to do with their life based only on their current situation.

Don’t be those people.

The best way to determine what you really want to do with your life is to imagine that you have no financial or personal limitations. This is going to open your mind up to a lot more options.

Here’s an excellent exercise to find out what it is that you really want to do with your life. Imagine for a moment that you were free to choose any career or any lifestyle you want. What would that be

What are my life goals?

Some people have a very specific set of goals in life, but there are others who have no goals at all. The problem with having no goals is that you don’t feel the motivation required to achieve success in life. The best way to go through your personal journey is to have a destination.

There are those who believe that the journey is what matters, and not the destination. This is true, but if you have no destination in mind, you will lose interest in the journey. This is the reason why it’s so important for you to have a goal.

Some people have a very specific set of goals in life, but there are others who have no goals at all. The problem with having no goals is that you don’t feel the motivation required to achieve success in life. The best way to go through your personal journey is to have a destination.

There are those who believe that the journey is what matters, and not the destination. This is true, but if you have no destination in mind, you will lose interest in the journey. This is the reason why it’s so important for you to have a goal.

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. …Earl Nightingale

“If you want to be happy set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”

Andrew Carnegie

Whom do I admire the most?

If you can find the person that you really admire the most, and try to do as they have done, you can find the path to your own future. By asking yourself who it is that you admire, and following in their footsteps as best as you can you are making it easier to create the kind of life you want for yourself. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

“To know the road ahead ask those who are coming back”

Chinese proverb

What do I not like to do?

There are things you like to do and things you don’t. For example, say you love practicing music, but dislike sports. It’s much more likely then that you are going to enjoy a career in music more than you would enjoy a career in any kind of professional sports.

This one seems pretty basic, but you’d be surprised how many people miss it. 

Identifying what you don’t like to do helps you cross off professions and careers that you wouldn’t like and focus on finding the ones you would enjoy. 

It’s important to note that nothing is perfect and even the things that you enjoy may have some things about it that you don’t like, so keep this in mind and don’t nitpick.

How hard am I willing to work to get what I want?

This is the million dollar question and it’s harder to answer this than anything else. The truth is that you don’t know how hard you’re willing to work for something until you finally figure out what you truly want. 

You might think you want something, but you don’t feel motivated to keep working hard to reach that goal. This happens very often and you can get confused because you think you should feel enthusiastic, but you’re not doing something that genuinely makes you happy.     

The only way to figure out how hard you are willing to work is by discovering what it is that you truly want to do with your life. This question  answers itself when you finally hit the nail on the head on what you truly desire.

Final thoughts

What do I want to do with my life can be a difficult question to answer. Life can be unpredictable, but you are always going to find a way to move forward if you have a destination during the journey. Just make sure that you ask the questions above and that you are truthful in your answers. The hardest thing in the world is to be true to yourself, but the best future you can have is revealed when you are honest with yourself. 

Don’t forget that you are the one who gets to decide what you want to do with your life. Don’t let others dictate what path you should walk and you will find your freedom.

Leave a comment below if you have suggestions for my next blog post or any questions regarding online income. I’ve got many more interesting articles coming out soon and I love to help!

One last thing, if you really want to explore a new life here is a good place to start

Find Your Freedom



8 thoughts on “What Do I Want To Do With My Life”

  1. Thanks for the inspiring article about goals and dreams of life, once again motivate and remind me about setting goal and planning towards are both very important to be successful and motivated. Often times, people try to hide how they truly feel about life and just procrastinate a lot. I think is essential that people need to be honest with what they truly like and passionate about in their life. Nice article and keep up the good work, cheers.

  2. Hello!

    Imagining that there are no financial or personal hurdles certainly helps a lot. The mind is then free, free to explore and create. I believe that thoughts are creative.

    Your comment that some people have no goals stuck with me. I thought that everyone somehow must have a goal, but now thst I think of it I have known some people who had no goals, and they were either lost in life or messed up or angry or all of it together – at least, from what I’ve seen. I don’t think I could function without having goals. Some objectives are harder to reach than others and require more work, but then they make it worth it. Reaching a goal is the best feeling ever.

  3. Great read and very insightful. In my experience, I’ve found that alot of people are inspired by money, wealth and reaches… even more than they would like to acknowledge lol. So, I find that asking myself  ‘if you were paid so and so, how hard would you be willing to work?’. This might sound a bit shrewd but believe me, money is one of the greatest motivators known to man. So, if you’re finding it difficult to figure out what you want to do with your life, try reverse  engineering your thoughts to begin with the kind of money you would stay up late thinking about.

  4. Thanks Wakeman, Your post has really set me thinking. I have recently been thinking about what I would like to pour my energy and time into mostly. Many of us work with earning money in mind. So when you asked that question of what if money is not an issue what will I be doing? I am into so much, I think I love everyone of them, how do I narrow it down? 

    • You’re welcome. Narrowing that down is a tough one Juliet. Personally I use coin flips to narrow things down. Heads OR tails it helps solidify my feelings things.


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